Tuesday, June 10, 2008

YAY!!!! I'm done for the quarter!!!!

This spring quarter seemed like it would never end, but it finally has and I'm so pleased to say I passed all my classes. Math was probably the worst as I was basically teaching myself stuff that I'd never done before. They always say you can never hate something until you've tried it. Well I've tried logarithms and I can officially tell you that I hate them. But I suppose it makes me a smarter person, or at least a more diligent worker, however it was a bear to get through. So my final grades end up to be. . .

Nutrition ~ A
Spanish 103 ~ C+
Intermediate Algebra ~ C

Not as high as I would have liked, but for having a full time job (along with the endless list of extra things in my life), and going to school on 3/4 time that's not to bad. Anyway, it's now on to a much needed rest for the next week and a half and then summer quarter starts. Oh goody:P

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