The title of this blog post doesn't even begin to express my at finding this super cool appliance!
If you don't know what this is let me tell you that this is a Cuisinart 6QT electric pressure cooker!!!
If you've never used a pressure cooker, or are for some reason wary of them let me assure you that there is nothing to be concerned about. I luv the pressure cooker that I got for Christmas a few years ago from my Dad, so that's not going anywhere. But once I saw the electric one in
Williams Sonoma, one of the best stores ever, I knew that I would want one for my kitchen as I work on expanding my domestic prowess. However, they retail for
$100. So that was not going to be a purchase that I would be making anytime soon, there's always something better that I can do with $100. At least that's what we ladies tell ourselves right? Whenever we hold off from a major purchase that seems to be our default statement. However today those excuses were put away, when I went to the local thrift store.
I wasn't really in the mood to buy anything in particular, I was mostly just wasting time until it was time to meet up with Nicki for a Mani-Pedi. So I went inside thinking that maybe I would be able to find myself some yarn for some quick crochet projects. Alas there was no yarn to be had, I bet Leah bought it all ;), but I digress. So I decided to peruse the next isle over & I could hardly believe my eyes. front of them was a Cuisinart pressure cooker. The very electric pressure cooker that I had been wanting for a long time. I looked at the price tag & saw that it said $21.99 (NO DISCOUNT) on it. Seriously?! Was this even priced right? was all I could think to myself. Does it even work? was my next thought. So I texted my friend Leah, yarn bandit extraordinaire, a pic and asked what she thought. She said to go for it. I mean really it sounds like a no-brainer, but I guess I was still too surprised to make any logic out of it. As I was standing in line near the counter, so i could plug it in to check out if it worked, a woman came up to my cart & asked me what it was. "An Cuisinart electric pressure cooker" I answered. I could see the look in her eye that only a thrift store shopper would know. It conveyed what I suspected, that if I let go of it, she would be the first one to snatch it up. No such luck lady! I got to the front & plugged it in. Voila! the red lights on it showed that it was well in working condition.

And when I got home after my manicure I checked out the Cuisinart website & was even able to download the manual for it, as well as a recipe book for free (the same that would have come with the box had it been brand new). The cook book has a lot of fun recipes, including one for cheesecake! PTL, what a great find!!! Now what to make for my first meal? That is the question.