Monday, July 13, 2009

Cain Update

~ James 4:14 "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away"

For those that were in the know, I recently put my old friend Cain Lopez on a list for prayer. He had recently been diagnosed with lunch cancer after a previous bout with jaw cancer in 2003. On July 9th Cain lost that battle that he was in and has entered into eternity. He will be sorely missed by all of those that knew him. I had the pleasure of seeing his a couple years ago when he was up in Seattle for work. Much to my surprise he had not let the previous ten years, and it's event get him down. He was still funny as ever and the same caring guy that he always was in the 7 years that we went to school together.

Though I cannot share most of what I found on You Tube for him, due to the language and subject matter not being appropriate for this blog, what I can post is the below message that he sent out direct from his hospital bed, a thank you for the prayers an well wishes that he received from all those that had the pleasure of knowing him. As you can see he was able to keep his spirits, and humor, up in spite of the horrible obstacle that was before him.

What he does say is all to true. Usually we never tell people just how much they've meant to us until it's almost to late. He always knew how to tap into people's psyches, and foibles, like that and make them humorous. The cancer may have taken his life, but it could not suffocate his humor.

It was my pleasure to be able to share the gospel with him, via email, prior to his death. What he chose to do with it I will only be able to find out in the other side of life, once my own journey here is done. It was also my pleasure to be able to call him my friend for a time.

He is survived by a wife, and I believe a daughter, as well as the many other family members that he's left behind. Please pray for them as they learn how to adapt to this new reality that they've now found themselves in. There were many fund raisers held, at various Comedy clubs, to help with the mounting medical expenses and I also pray that there was enough money raised to help alleviate the burden of the residual bills that will be left in the wake of his passing. Thank you for praying.

If you are left to wonder where your own eternity lies please take the time to check out the below links. You can know what is held for you after this life.
~ 1 John 5:13
"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God."
The Way of Salvation
The Good Person Test
E-Life Studies

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