Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pomp and Circumstance

As I'm sure many of you have graduated you'll recognize the title of my post as the song that is usually played at a graduation ceremony, which can only mean one thing. . .today is graduation!

Graduation this year is being held on the Mt. Vernon Campus since the gym here is being renovated. A couple of friends are coming and then last night they also offered to take me out to dinner. It's very nice that they offered. I was really surprised. We've all faced challenges this year so I'm hoping that it will be a nice time. They're much like a family to me. I'm thankful that they are in my life.

Well I'm off to get ready for the pomp and circumstance:)


Renee said...


Primetime Babyboomers said...

Great job Carolyn, you made it! Congrats!!!


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